Impact Report for Second Quarter of 2024 - Total Number of Clients Served: 2,769 Number of Clients Served by Program Type: CDBG: 0; ES: 495; HP: 107; HP & RRH: 189; HOPWA: 397; PSH: 175; RRH: 216; RHY: 0; SO: 163; SSO: 944; TH: 65; TH & RRH: 18

August 19, 2024

Impact Report for Second Quarter of 2024

Total Number of Clients Served: 2,769

Number of Clients Served by Program Type:

  • Community Development Block Grant: 0
  • Emergency Shelter: 495
  • Homelessness Prevention: 107
  • Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Rehousing: 189
  • Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA): 397
  • Permanent Supportive Housing: 175
  • Rapid Rehousing: 216
  • Runaway Homeless Youth: 0
  • Street Outreach: 163
  • Supportive Services Only: 944
  • Transitional Housing: 65
  • Transitional Housing & Rapid Rehousing: 18

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