Request for Letters of Intent for FY2024 NOFO

June 3, 2024

The Central MS Continuum of Care is seeking Letters of Intent for New/Renewal Projects for

possible inclusion in the Central MS Continuum of Care’s FY2024 Consolidated Application for

the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC)

Program, also known as the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

Each year the Central MS Continuum of Care competes with other CoCs across the country to

secure federal funds to help end homelessness through HUD’s Continuum of Care Program.

HUD allows new projects to be funded through either CoC and DV bonus funds or reallocation

funds. The total funds available for new projects will be determined based on the final new

bonus amounts, as set by HUD, plus any funds approved for reallocation by the Central MS

Continuum of Care Board of Directors (reallocated funds are those funds designated by the

Board of Directors to be redistributed from existing projects to new projects).

Bonus funding is NOT guaranteed. HUD determines the amount of bonus funding available

each year. Due to the limited amount of bonus funds available, new projects are selected

through a multitier ranking and review process with criteria approved by the Central MS

Continuum of Care Board of Directors. If a new project is ultimately selected to be included in

the FY2024 NOFO Consolidated Application, this is still not a guarantee that the new project will

receive the requested funding as final CoC Competition Awards are determined by HUD. The

FY2024 NOFO Competition and formal application process is TBA.

The Central MS Continuum of Care encourages proposals from applicants that have never

previously received CoC funds as well as from applicants that are currently receiving or have in

the past received CoC funds.

Eligible Applicants: Local Governments, Public Housing Authorities or Non-Profit organizations

having 501(c)(3) status with the IRS for a minimum of two (2) years and are registered in

For-profit entities are not eligible to apply for grants or to be sub-recipients of grant funds.

If there are not enough qualified applicants, the CoC reserves the right to recruit new applicants.

Letters of Intent are due by June 14, 2024 – Letters of Intent will be reviewed and projects

that meet the Minimum Threshold Criteria set by the Central MS Continuum of Care Board of

Directors will be reviewed and invited to move forward in the local competition to submit a

project application in e-Snaps.

A Letter of Intent (LOI) describing the funding amount requested, type of program, and

number/type of clients to be served may be emailed to Melvin Stamps at on or before June 14, 2024 by 4:00pm.

Minimum Threshold Criteria

Before proceeding, an applicant should determine whether it meets basic eligibility requirements

for funding. If selected to be included in the FY2024 CoC Competition, there may be additional

requirements. Please view the threshold requirements below.

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Care that keeps caring

We are working tirelessly to eradicate homelessness in Mississippi. Join us in helping to make homelessness a thing of the past in our great state. Together, we can!